Privacy Policy
Data Protection Act 1998
Your privacy is very important to us. Most form fields are voluntary. Only you and our database administrator can ever view your real name or address, and even she has no access to any financial details (see also Paypal Security Centre). This page makes it clear to what limited extent we may collect or use your personal data., and NEVER
share your information, sell
it to any third parties or use it to telephone or send you mail (unless you
request this).
We may incorporate your information into our secure database, principally
enable you to obtain discounts or access restricted areas of the ladylikeshop,
livindoll or ladylike website group. We MAY possibly in
future decide to very occasionally inform and update you electronically, of suitable
products or services that may be of interest to you - although we do not
yet propose to use any information in this way. We may edit or delete your
records without notice at our discretion.
This website uses “cookies,” which are small data files sent to your hard drive when you visit certain websites. The cookie contains information such as a user nickname, but the only personal information that a cookie can contain is information that you supply yourself. Cookies cannot read data off your hard disk or read cookie files created by other websites.
Some parts of the website use cookies to track user traffic patterns to determine the usefulness of the information we provide to our users, and to determine the effectiveness of our navigational structure. If you prefer not to receive cookies from our website, you can set your browser to warn you before accepting cookies and refuse the cookie when your browser alerts you to its presence. You can also refuse cookies by turning them off in your browser. This however will have the unfortunate consequence of preventing you obtaining any member discounts.
By joining you agree we may collect and hold details of your real name, user name and password and any other additional voluntary information that you may choose to include when joining or subsequently. You agree that you will not upload anything we deem inappropriate, offensive, illegal, discriminatory or defamatory; and will indemnify us against third party complaints. You must keep your Email address up-to-date in case we need to contact you. All members are expected to behave with tact and sympathy towards other members regardless of race, creed or sexual orientation. By uploading photographs (if applicable) to this website, you agree that we may hold, display and reproduce them without further permission or cost. Indecent pictures will be removed and the Member could be barred without warning. Photographs should include a head and face (not obscured).
Not a member yet? (Join free!) Once logged in you can also amend or delete your own records.
You can obtain a copy of any records we may hold on you for a fee of £10. Of course, if you have never joined, then we hold no such records anyway! If you are not sure, please log in (at the top of almost any screen) to find out what details you entered.